

The content and Information from Les Berenson MD and LesBerensonMD.com is for informational purposes only , and is no way intended for medical advice or as a substitute for medical counseling, or as treatment, cure, for any disease or health condition. Nor can it be construed as such as that would be illegal. Always work with a qualified health professional, before making any changes to your diet, supplement use, prescription drug use, lifestyle or exercise activities. Please understand you assume all risks from the use, non use or misuse of this information


Here are a series of articles on a variety of topics on exercise.
Dr. Mercola interviews world authorities on this topic
so many posts are from him


Daily Exercise suggestions:


1) 7 Common Workout Mistakes Beginners Make by Mercola

2) The Major Exercise Mistake I Made for Over 30 Years
(Do you really need to put in all that time? Thimk again!

3) The Scientific 7-Minute Workout by Mercola
(9 min YouTube demonstrating this technique) – Click below

4) Top Workout Mistakes: Is Your Exercise Routine Actually Hurting You?

5) What Causes Slow Post-Workout Recovery—and What Can You Do About It? By Mark Sisson

6) Hack Your Recovery with Blood Flow Restriction Training by Jill Carnahan MD


Strengthen Your Core: 30 Day Plank Challenge


1) How to Turn Your Daily Walk into a High Intensity Exercise 
by Dr. Joe Mercola DO – 
March 06, 2015

2) Why Walking and Aerobics Won’t Get You as Healthy as You Think –


Home and Traveling Program

Develop a home program or one you can travel with:
10 Benefits of Using Resistance Bands During Exercise –
Dr. Joe Mercola D.O. – 
September 06, 2013

Rebounder Exercises



Peak Performance – High Intensity Interval Training
(How to burn fat and build muscle most efficiently)

1) Mercola Intermittent Fasting and Peak Training

2) High Intensity Interval Training and Intermittent Fasting—
Two Winning Ways to Reach and Maintain Your Ideal Weight 
by Dr. Mercola (
Sept. 26, 2014)

3) Mark Sisson – “Marks daly Apple” – Primal_Blueprint_Fitness_eBook

4) High-Intensity Interval Training and Intermittent Fasting –
A Winning Combo for Fat Reduction & Optimal Fitness 
Nov. 02, 2012


Weight Training & Training for Peak Exercise

Why High Intensity Workouts Are Best for Weight Loss 
by Dr. Joe Mercola DO – April 03, 2015

Super-Slow Weight Training: The Muscle-Building Workout Hardly Anyone Uses
by Dr. Joe Mercola DO – May 11, 2012

Never Too Old to Start Weight Training 
by Dr. Joe Mercola D.O.   – 
January 23, 2015

Five Bodyweight Exercises & Pushups – Mercola January 24

Why Carb Loading Is a Bad Idea –
by Dr. Joe Mercola DO – 
Nov 14, 2014

The Pros and Cons of Using a Treadmill – 
by Dr. Joe Mercola DO  – May 08, 2015


Low Back pain and Structural support –
Pete Egoscue Exercises

Egoscue Exercises

Egoscue – Life Mastery

Pete Egoscue Structural Exercises