
The content and Information from Les Berenson MD and LesBerensonMD.com is for informational purposes only , and is no way intended for medical advice or as a substitute for medical counseling, or as treatment, cure, for any disease or health condition. Nor can it be construed as such as that would be illegal. Always work with a qualified health professional, before making any changes to your diet, supplement use, prescription drug use, lifestyle or exercise activities. Please understand you assume all risks from the use, non use or misuse of this information


Weight loss is a complicated issue, one I’ve personally worked with much of my life.  There are many factors that affect weight loss and gain –

A) Gut issues  (leaky gut, probiotics and digestive enzymes , parasites absorption of nutrients etc.

B) Hormone imbalance (mainly adrenal (cortisol) Thyroid and Testosterone imbalance)

C) Toxic burdon (toxicity stemming form build up of toxins – GMO’s, Heavy Metals, etc  – see sections on Environmental Health

D) Emotional Health – see section on tapping (under emotional health)

Weight loss is a very frustrating situation with many factors. There are many approaches.
If one has >15 pounds and potentially muscovy more HCG is a potential resource. You physician prescribes the HCG (which ideally is injected and can be given in stomach by Sub Q inject. – relatively painless). With this hormone and a very strict diet , one tends to not be hungry, has energy and can lose 1/2 – 1 pound a day if done by the strict protocol. After 28 days or so one takes a break and if  more weight is desired is done over a phase.
The 3 week transition diet back to “normal” is essentially a keto diet with min carbs.  When I did this several times way back each time I would eventually be back on enough carbs and the weight return.

Read about the HCG protocol, read Dr Simmions book and ask questions after.

HCG Protocol

Ideally this is coupled with a keto diet and can use a keto supplement to help maintain this

If anyone is interested please email or call me
206 290-0409


In most weight loss programs when rapid weight loss occurs,
muscle is also lost and this is potentially dangerous as your heart muscle, immune system and antibodies are made of Amino Acids so one often get sick, colds etc.

This cleanse is unique one as the protein is the most efficiently utilized protein I’ve seen. 99% of the vegan Amino Acids (protein building blocks) are absorbed in 23 min. There are 15 patents & 30 scientific studies on these vegan Amino Acids & they are even in the PDR. By comparison whey protein (has dairy) 15-30% gets absorbed within 90 min or so.

Ave weight loss is 12.5 pounds.


Intermittent Fasting (see videos inside articles)

Restricting Eating to a 12-Hour Window of Time Each Day May Be Key to Healthy Weight by Dr. Joe Mercola DO – January 30, 2015

How Intermittent Fasting Can Help You Live Healthier, Longer by Dr. Mercola June 14, 2014

Burn Away Fat Cells With Intermittent Fasting
by Dr. Mercola May 04, 2012

How To Get Rid Of Cellulite The Biohacker Way

Jason Fung, MD- The Complete Guide to Fasting for Fat Loss