
The content and Information from Les Berenson MD and LesBerensonMD.com is for informational purposes only , and is no way intended for medical advice or as a substitute for medical counseling, or as treatment, cure, for any disease or health condition. Nor can it be construed as such as that would be illegal. Always work with a qualified health professional, before making any changes to your diet, supplement use, prescription drug use, lifestyle or exercise activities, about possible adverse interactions between medication you are currently taking and nutritional supplements. Each person is different, and the way you react to a particular product may be significantly different from the way other people react to a supplement or modality. Please understand you assume all risks from the use, non use or misuse of this information


Cleansing and Detoxification –
To improve Digestion, Absorption, and Metabolism

What you have previously eaten may not have been eliminated from your body and built up as toxicity and this toxicity may be more important than the foods you’re currently eating.

If you are eating all the proper nutrients but putting them into an body that is toxic, your body is not able to absorb and utilize these nutrients or even vitamins and supplements to the fullest extent. If you don’t cleanse your body, then the toxicity builds up, creating an ever -increasing detriment to your energy level, overall health, and well-being.

If you’re trying to lose weight such as with HCG I feel its critical to go through a cleansing and detoxification to allow the HCG to work better and allow you to keep the weight off.

Resources on these pages on detoxification will help you detoxify your body to potentially live a healthier lifestyle. 

4 Detox Methods That Actually Work by Jill Carnahan MD

Safe and Effective Detox Binders that Actually Work
by Jill Carnahan MD

When you’re eating low quality foods (non organic, laced with GMO’s pesticides etc taking activated charcoal can delay and decrease the absorption . (see recs in this article).
I use both GI Detox and Bulletproof coconut charcoal mentioned

Shining Light on a Mysterious Illness:
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity by Dr. Jill Carnahan MD


See the subpages by scrolling over this detox heading