Long Haul Covid / mRNA Vaccine injuries

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***All Information shared from Les Berenson MD and LesBerensonMD.com , is Public Domain & For Educational Purposes. Information Can Be Shared Freely With The Understanding That All Statements Have Not Been Evaluated By The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Go Here For A Current List Of The FDA’s Position On Various Therapeutic Interventions. We Are Required To Inform You That Any Information Presented On This Site (Including Within The Videos) Are Not Intended To Advise, Diagnose, Treat, Cure Or Prevent Any Disease Including COVID, as Well as This Information is Not Intended To Constitute Legal Advice. Always Consult With Qualified Licensed Medical Professionals & Legal Experts Before Enacting Any Information Presented Herein.*** Please understand you assume all risks from the use, non use or misuse of this information.

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FLCCC Post Vaccinated injury Protocol 11-2022
1 An-Approach-to-Vaccine-Injured-  (Nov 2, 2022)
   Basic overall protocol (for more specific detailed approach see next link)


Long Haul Covid Recovery
I-Recover – FLCCC Long Covid recovery protocol


World Council for Health Spike Protein Detox Guide

Dr. Judy Mikovits PhD recovery protocol

Miscellaneous articles 

World Council for Health Reveals Spike Protein Detox by Dr Joseph Mercola DO

Dr Bruce Patterson MD website  (https://www.covidlonghaulers.com)