
The content and Information from Les Berenson MD and LesBerensonMD.com is for informational purposes only , and is no way intended for medical advice or as a substitute for medical counseling, or as treatment, cure, for any disease or health condition. Nor can it be construed as such as that would be illegal. Always work with a qualified health professional, before making any changes to your diet, supplement use, prescription drug use, lifestyle or exercise activities. Please understand you assume all risks from the use, non use or misuse of this information


This page will highlight a MAJOR health risk and suggestions for healing and avoiding these risks.

  • 1) Plastics
  • 2) Cosmetic Toxicity


1) Plastics:

Recently at my Environmental Health Medical Conference in Phoenix – my biggest take away was to DRAMATICALLY change my personal plastic health because of the severity for plastics in my and everyone else body. My toxicology profile (urine) shows styrenes and plastics at a high level.

Toxicity I will start with this article discussing the toxicity of even
the newer PFOA free plastic pans. I switched back to cast iron and stainless after the conference. Click on this link to read this article.
Click on this link below
It’s Settled. Pretty Much All Nonstick Pans & Cookware are Toxic But We Have Suggestions!


Click to read more


PFAS Contamination of Drinking Water Far More Prevalent Than Previously Reported – New Detections of ‘Forever Chemicals’ in New York, D.C., Other Major Cities By Sydney Evans, David Andrews, Ph.D., Tasha Stoiber, Ph.D., and Olga Naidenko, Ph.D. – WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22, 2020


2) Cosmetic Toxicity –
Are We Dying to be Beautiful?

The blood was quietly collected by the American Red Cross workers and sent to two independent laboratories to be analyzed for chemicals.

The results were similar to previous studies:
each person’s body was contaminated with hundreds of industrial chemical compounds, including pesticides, stain repellents, flame retardants, plasticizers, even PCBs (banned in the 1970’s.)
These were newborn babies, fresh from the womb.


The babies were born in US hospitals in August & September 2004 and chosen at random by the Red Cross for the Study conducted by the Environmental Working Group, a Washington DC research organization, and Commonweal, a California health and environmental group.

It was the first time such a wide range of pollutants had been measured in the umbilical cord blood of newborns who had never been in direct contact with industrialized society.

The researchers detected a total of 287 chemicals in the babies; cord blood, including 180 chemicals that cause cancer in humans or animals, 217 that are toxic to the brain and nervous system, and 208 that cause birth defects or abnormal development in animal studies.

**Excerpt from Not Just a Pretty Face, by Stacy Malkan


Eye opening statistics:

Lotions, all topical treatments & meds. are rapidly absorbed into body. Chemicals banned in other countries are deemed safe in US.
 Environmental Working Group – .

10,000 ingredients in beauty products women, men & children
use daily. (Women use 250-300 ingredients a day,
men 50-100 ingredients)

ONLY 11% of these have been tested for safety –
– 33% contain ingredients linked to cancer
– 45% are harmful to reproductive system or to baby’s development
– 60% act like estrogen or disrupt hormones

National Cancer Institute – woman who use hair dye
have 50% higher risk of Non Hodgkin’s lymphoma (cancer)

Phthalates – are in 72% cosmetics in US., yet are banned in Europe
because of having the top hazard score (10).
Phthalates mimic naturally occurring hormones which can affect female breast tissue, and are leading cause of breast cancer.
Phthalates cause birth defects and reproductive mutations(especially males). Palates are often disguised as “fragrance” on labels.


Resource to check your personal cosmetics –
EWG Guide to Healthy Cleaning Products 
(Environmental Working Group) 

The Dirty Dozen… Ingredients to AVOID personal care products

Are Household Products Killing Us?
by Dr. Joe Mercola DO August 12, 2015

What Chemical Dangers Are Lurking in Your Home?
By Dr. Joe Mercola DO – 
August 05, 2015

Dye your hair naturally: these recipes will make your hair perfect!

A Poison Kiss – Lead in Lipstick

Fragrance Is The New Secondhand Smoke:
Join Us in Eliminating Fragrance To Improve Your Health! 
BY Marilee Nelson 

EWG Cleaners Database – Hall of SHAME
(Green washing – products misleading public with claims / labels)

Beware of these 6 common household items that cause cancer – Feb. 02, 2015 by Ethan A. Huff – Air Fresheners; Candles; Art supplies; shapes and conditioners; Anti-depressant deodorants ; Shower curtains

More (detailed) references:

Is YOUR MATTRESS toxic – you sleep on it how much?
ercola – You’re Spending About One Third of Your Life Here – Do You Really Want to Spend it Inhaling Toxic Chemicals?

Harmful Ingredients Chart
detailed list of toxic ingredients found in cosmetics

Debate and Interview with Stacy Malkan

Co-founder of Campaign for Safe Cosmetics and author of
Not Just a Pretty Face: The Ugly Side of the Beauty Industry

Lead in Lipstick? Coal Tar in Shampoo?
As New Bill Calls for Stricter Rules on Beauty Products, a Debate Between Campaign for Safe Cosmetics Founder and Cosmetics Industry Spokesperson