- Relief from depression, confusion, general nervous tension
- Relieves many allergy related symptoms
- Pain relief (even severe pain)
- Lowers serum toxins
- Stimulates the visceral nervous system promoting peristalsis and the transit of diluted toxic bile from the duodenum out the rectum.
- When retained for 15 minutes enemas represent a form of dialysis of blood across the gut wall.
- Increases glutathione-S-transferase
- Dilates bile ducts promoting bile flow
While a coffee enema is held in the colon for 15 minutes, the entire blood system in the body passes through the liver about 5 times! The blood carries toxins from other parts of the body and is picked up by the liver for processing. The coffee acts as a stimulant to open up the bile duct, which allows the toxins to be released and expelled out through the rectum.
Another important role of the coffee enema is to stimulate the increased production of Glutathione S-Transferase (GST) by 600 to 700 percent. GST is an enzyme that contributes to the removal of free radicals and toxins from the blood. The radicals leave the liver and gallbladder as bile salts flowing through the duodenum.
Type Coffee: I use S.A. Wilson’s Coffee (google) which has 47% higher levels of Caffeine and 87% higher levels of Palmitic Acid as well as being Certified Organic and Mold Free.
How to Make:
- Ideally use a stainless or glass pot
Heat 2 Tbs coffee PER cup water. Use 2-4 cups coffee per enema.
(I make 3 batches up at a time and store in small glass bottles in frig)
Heat water to almost boiling and put in coffee. When coffee boils continue to boil 5 min and turn fire off and let coffee cool (top on) for 20 min. - Use fine strainer to pour coffee through into glass jars
(One I got on Amazon –
Purelife Coffee Enema Strainer – Unique 10X Micro Mesh Stainless Steel Fabric )
Enema Device
- Use a non toxic enema device (such as silicone).
A) Example: Aussie Health Co Non-Toxic Silicone Enema Bag Kit – 2 Quart Capacity for Water & Coffee Colon Cleansing – BPA & Phthalates Free – 6.5 Foot Hose, 3 Tips, Strong Clamp, Bonus Nozzle & Instruction Guide
B) Here’s one I use when traveling as easy convenient, less messy –
“Aussie Health Co Large Enema Bulb Kit – 13 oz Anal Douche with Leak Proof Lid, 3 Comfort Rubber Comfort Tips, Tubing, Storage Bag and Instruction Guide – for Colon Cleansing, Detox and Constipation” ($15) – great company
- There are 2 parts to doing an enema correctly:
1) Spring water “cleaning enema” that cleans out the stool in bowel. Use (2-4 cups spring water).
2) Coffee Enema – ideally held 12-15 min. The more relaxed the patient, the easier the enema experience will be. This requires comfort! An enema “nest” can be made on the bathroom floor, with :
- A mat (yoga mat or floor mat) and large towels, you can cover with an enema mat or something soft and waterproof for accidental leaks or spillage. I got some large “chucks” absorbent pads which has really helped.
- A pillow or cushion for the head.
- Relaxing music.
- The bucket is placed at approximately 18 inches above the body, hanging from a hook or standing on a stool.
Coffee should not flow in too fast or with too much pressure.
- Lay on the right side with legs pulled up in the fetal position, relaxed and breathing deeply.
- Lubricate 2 inches of the tube’s tip with coconut oil or other safe lubricant (Aloe Vera gel) and gently insert into the anus (8 to 10 inches if using thin tube) . Go slow the first time and if you have any pain or major discomfort slow down or stop immediately.
- Slowly release the clamp on the tube to let the coffee flow in. (you can stop and start the flow of the coffee as needed)
- Once all of the coffee has flowed in it should be held for 12 to 15 minutes before evacuating.
- If trouble holding fluid because of abdominal cramping – I used the homeopathic “Colocynthis” 6C or 30 C ahead of time (Health food store, Amazon).
Optional (BUT HIGHLY RECOMMENDED) : Post enema implant:
I follow my coffee enemas with replacement nutrients
Use – Luke warm 4 oz spring water and mix in :
A) Wheat grass – Frozen (melt first) or powder (could use fresh wheat grass but time intensive)
B) Butyrate – BodyBio (I empty 3 capsules)
Method –
I use something like : Aussie Health Co Clear Enema Bulb Kit – 7 oz
Mix up the butyrate (if using) with the wheat grass and put in bulb. (will be roughly 4 oz fluid)
Insert into rectum and the fluid gets absorbed without having to evacuate
With enemas we lose some of out BENEFICIAL probiotics so I “replace” my probiotics using Promolife suppositories