The content and Information from Les Berenson MD and LesBerensonMD.com is for informational purposes only , and is no way intended for medical advice or as a substitute for medical counseling, or as treatment, cure, for any disease or health condition. Nor can it be construed as such as that would be illegal. Always work with a qualified health professional, before making any changes to your diet, supplement use, prescription drug use, lifestyle or exercise activities. Please understand you assume all risks from the use, non use or misuse of this information
Why Cleanse – Why bother?
You are what you eat &, more importantly,
what you have eaten is still with you.
As important as what you’re eating right now (and maybe even more important), is what you’ve already eaten that has not been eliminated. If you are eating all the proper nutrients but putting them into an environment that is toxic, your body is not able to absorb and utilize them to the fullest extent. If you don’t cleanse your body, then the toxicity builds up, creating an ever-increasing detriment to your energy level, overall health, and well-being.
For example, if you have a headache & aches and pains, simply getting a massage or taking aspirin may not solve the problem long-term. You may achieve some temporary relief, but you will not be attacking the source of your pain. The source of your pain begins with what you eat. If you are eating food that overloads your system, then elimination becomes difficult, limited, or impossible-you literally create congestion or clogging in the normal bodily process of assimilation and elimination. Further, this retained waste matter prevents the full absorption of nutrients, depleting your body of energy as it tries to deal with this waste. Ultimately, when your colon becomes blocked, the small intestine must also work overtime to eliminate this waste. These toxins are further passed onto the liver and eventually your blood, decreasing the oxygen in all the cells of your body. Your cells will become starved and oxygen will not be delivered. Your blood- becomes filled with toxins & literally, gradually, will become the river of death.
What is the cause of disease?
Disease is the result of acid in the body.
Your lifestyle and eating habits will lead to disease
if you do not alkalize your blood with the proper foods and hydration
Cleansing – Do you eat Non Organic Foods?
The evolution of modern society has resulted in an overload of chemicals, toxins, air pollutants, and radiation. In addition, by eating certain foods, we expose ourselves to processed and de-mineralized materials, herbicides, pesticides, food colorings, and preservatives.
All of these toxins put stress on our bodies.
When the body is clean and strong, it has no trouble eliminating the waste.
However, when it becomes overloaded with more toxins than it can properly eliminate, the liver will eventually become sluggish and allow the waste to build up. In this state, one cannot properly absorb vitamins, nutrients, and health supplements. Furthermore, the contamination and malnutrition that result make the body more susceptible to disease. In fact, a continuous overload of toxins into the body could trigger serious ailments, and if a system becomes so contaminated that it cannot get rid of the excess toxins, chronic illness or even death could result.
What is a cleanse?
Cleansing is the detoxification of the digestive track, blood, intestines, kidneys, liver, & lungs. The evolution of modern society has resulted in an overload of chemicals, toxins, air\pollutants, and radiation. In addition, by eating certain foods, we expose ourselves to processed and de-mineralized materials, herbicides, pesticides, food colorings, and
preservatives. All of these toxins put stress on our bodies. When the body is clean and strong, it has no trouble eliminating the waste. However, when it becomes overloaded with more toxins than it can properly eliminate, the liver will eventually become sluggish and allow the waste to build up. In this state, one cannot properly absorb vitamins, nutrients, and health supplements. Furthermore, the contamination and malnutrition that result make the body more susceptible to disease. In fact, a continuous overload of toxins into the body could trigger serious ailments, and if a system becomes so contaminated that it cannot get rid of the excess toxins, chronic illness or even death could result.
Should you be cleansing?
- constipation headaches
- depression acne
- fatigue skin conditions (eczema, psoriasis,)
- frequent colds sinus congestion
- halitosis (bad breath) joint stiffness/aches and pains
- indigestion menstrual problems
- obesity allergies
- All the ‘itis’s’-colitis, diverticulitis, bronchitis, pancreatitis, sinusitis, etc.
Source: Detox for Life by Loree Taylor Jordan
- Also cleanse IF:
- You have a heartbeat.
- You have been working very hard or been under a lot of stress.
- You eat sugar or white flour and/or drink a lot of caffeine or alcohol.
- Your eyes are not clear and/or they are yellowish or red.
- You took a pH test and tested acidic.
- You feel a cold or flu coming on.
- You feel congested from too much food or the wrong kinds of food.
- You feel lethargic, like you need a good spring cleaning.
- You need to eliminate drug residues, or normalize after illness or a hospital stay.
- You need a jump start for a healing program.
- You need a specific detox program for a serious health problem.
- You want to streamline your body processes for more energy.
- You need to remove toxins that are causing a health problem.
- You want to prevent disease and/or rest and rejuvenate the whole body.
- You want to assist with weight loss and/or want to clear up your skin.
- You want to slow aging and improve body flexibility.
- You want to improve fertility.
- You want greater mental clarity. You need better quality of sleep.
- You desire freedom from negative thoughts and feelings.
- You need to improve your circulation.
The fecal matter may have lodged inside your colon OVER YEARS and the healing properties and rejuvenation of the colon during the cleanse, will make it easier for this fecal matter to dislodge during the colonic. Each colonic will get more stored up material out.
An open system (newer) i.e. “Libby” is more comfortable than a closed system.
Request to use a “wand” massager if available to massage over the abdomen while doing the colonic.
This will definitely augment the elimination of fecal matter.
Drink a lot of fluids before and after.
Cleansing – Day 1 – What You Can Expect
You may feel tired during the day and you will probably experience hunger pains.
Day 2 (and maybe 3) – What you’ may be feeling:
Again, you may feel tired during the day and you will probably experience hunger pains. In addition, you may experience nausea, weakness, and vomiting. And you may become irritable, have a foggy brain, be somewhat sweaty (the skin is an avenue of elimination), and have a unique body odor. All of these are normal reactions as the toxins begin to move through your body
- Depending on your underlying health,
- how often you have done a cleanse,
- the type os foods you consume,
- the nature of your immune system
Will determine how short or long lived your symptoms will be during a cleanse