Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche

This interview below is the most powerful video I’ve seen in my entire 40 year medical career, as to the potential effect on our future and humanity.
If there is a chance your immune system will be “inactive” and unable to protect you from any corona virus or variant in the future – 

I took time to transcribe the most important points of this talk.
Please read and watch carefully BEFORE making your decision.

Geert Vanden Bossche PhD, DVM may be one of the highest ranked vaccine creators in the ENTIRE WORLD.  
He is as “pro”vaccine as one can get. 

GSK Biologicals:
– Senior Project Leader – Adolescent Vaccine Projects
– New Biotech Vaccine Development and QC-QA Manager
– Head of Adjuvant Technologies and Alternative Deliveries, R&D

Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics 
– Director, Research Program Leader and Head of Adjuvants

Solvay Biologicals
– Global Project Director Influenza Vaccines

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
– Senior Program officer, GlobalHealth, Vaccine Discovery

Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI)
– Program Manager

– Chief Innovation and Science Officer

German Centre for Infection Research (DZIF)
– Head of there vaccine Development Office

– Managing Director

His specialty is on the DESIGN of vaccines and how to choose a vaccine in mass vaccination programs.

Coordinator of Ebola program at Gates Foundation and GAVI – (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations) helped GAVI make the right choice of vaccines from several different companies.

Dutch researcher Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche PhD is one of the top vaccine scientists in the world. And yet, early in 2021, he risked his entire career by posting a public message on his LinkedIn page aimed at colleagues around the world, urging them to stand up en masse and call for an immediate halt to use of the vaccines being used to fight SARS-CoV-2.

It would be difficult to find anyone more “pro” vaccine than Dr. Vanden Bossche: He was Program Manager for GAVI, the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization.  At the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation he was Senior Program Officer for Global Health and Vaccine Discovery, as well as program manager for the Ebola vaccine.  He held top positions at other companies developing vaccines and, perhaps because of how much he knows, Vanden Bossche insists the Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines are the “wrong vaccines” in the wrong situation.

Dr. Vanden Bossche says the vaccines are practically guaranteed to weaken the immune responses of those who are vaccinated. He shows us how natural immunity is superior to vaccine-induced immunity. He explains why the variants’ prime breeding ground is among those already vaccinated, not the unvaccinated, and that by insisting on vaccinating everyone we are teaching the virus how to get around the vaccines. He worries that the mass-vaccination campaign will eventually produce an extremely deadly variant, leading to what he calls “a global catastrophe.” And, in March, he correctly predicted that infectivity and morbidity rates in those countries that have succeeded in vaccinated millions – Israel, the UK, the US – will enjoy a brief decline in infectivity rates, followed by what he called an “inevitable” steep increase in severe disease.

“As a dedicated virologist and vaccine expert I only make an exception when health authorities allow vaccines to be administered in way that threaten public health, most certainly when scientific evidence is being ignored,” he said in a recent video interview, which I link to below. “The present extremely critical situation forces me to spread this emergency call. As the unprecedented extent of human intervention in the Covid-19 pandemic is now at risk of resulting in a global catastrophe without equal, this call cannot sound loudly and strongly enough.”

On March 6, Dr. Philip McMillan interviewed Vanden Bossche extensively. Because of the complex nature of the topic, and because English is not Vanden Bossche’s first language, Del Bigtree rebroadcast the entire interview on his program The HighWire, and from time to time he interjected his own commentary to clarify Vanden Bossche’s warnings for wider audiences.

Find an hour to watch this version of the interview, though I did take the time to transcribe the most important points of this talk, below, and I urge you to read these and watch the interview carefully before making any decision about whether or not to get these vaccines.

A week before this interview below – Geert Vanden Bossche PhD, DVM posted a letter on his LinkedIn page to all professionals. A master vaccine creator risked his entire vaccine career to publish his concerns. “Most important public health emergency of international concern”

These are a few excerpts from his letter emphasized in the Del Bigtree editorial 
*** See entire letter at end ***

Interview the week after his public letter
Mass Vaccination in a Pandemic – Benefits versus Risks:
Interview with Geert Vanden Bossche by Dr. Philip McMillan

Interview editorial by Del Bigtree – this editorial is extremely helpful to translate some of the science into lay language. Keep in mind Del is as passionate about this topic as you may be about your opinion – so listen to his content and not be distracted by his passionate voice.

(The Highwire – Episode 206) – (Interview with editorial)

http://bit.ly/GeertV  (Interview with no editorial)

Dell Bigtree (producer and Emmy winner on the TV show The Doctors” says :
“This may be the most important interview in history of mankind”

1:11 – Discussion on whether lockdowns were the right public health measure:
He said it was a bad idea to “lockdown” because it would affect the other people, and especially keeping them from being exposed to Covid19. He said the Covid strain in beginning was NOT highly infectious compared to the strains being seen right now. When a new virus gets into population it affects those with weakened immunity – (elderly, with chronic diseases). He felt that we did NOT distinguish between those with strong innate immunity ie youth (that are naturally protected and can fight off virus) and those at risk. We treated everyone the same with social distancing and quarantines.

He said those with strong innate immunity
who come in contact with Covid
will BOOST their natural immunity.
He STRONGLY disapproved closing schools, universities
and keeping youngsters for having contact with each other.

Del editorial – The Great Barrington Declaration (>50,000 physicians, scientists and experts) say the same thing. Del points out that Geert says as we get older that elderly do not have an intact innate (humoral) immune system that can develop antibodies. People BELOW 65 for the most part have VERY INTACT IMMUNE SYSTEM that can fight off a virus like this and should have been outside interacting – catching Covid and building up their immune system, while “protecting” the elderly and those at risk (i.e. developing herd immunity)

The Great Barrington Declaration:

Geert says these are excellent vaccines –
They chose the wrong weapon (vaccine)

These are prophylactic vaccines and they should NOT be administered to those who are exposed to high infectious pressure (high risk with poor innate immune system), where the virus can jump from one person to another.  The virus is everywhere so using a prophylactic vaccine does not make sense and IS HARMFUL.

(1:00) People getting vaccine :
1st dose – the immune response and antibody response is suboptimal (intentionally) – while they are mounting an immune response (waiting for the 2nd shot) they can be fully attacked by the virus (even when asymptomatic). Geert says this is textbook knowledge – when someone gets the vaccine and has sub optimal immune response they are set up for immune escape when exposed to the real virus (even when asymptomatic).

They protect against disease (reduce symptoms).

This Covid 19 virus only needs 10 hours to replicate, so with all the new mutation strains its IMPOSSIBLE to catch up with all the boosters. The virus is not going to wait until we have all the new vaccines ready.

(1:01) Del editorialpoints out that Geert is one of the greatest vaccine developers, and has been in all the labs around the world (and running many of them) making mRNA vaccines over the last 20 years.

Del points out Geert’s saying when people get the 1st vaccination they get the natural Covid 19 infection (why people develop all the immediate symptoms) and Geert explains why. When people get the vaccination (after only 1 shot) they will have a suboptimal immune response and
when they exposed to the normally occurring virus in public (before there 2nd shot) the virus will defeat their immune system and win.

The best way to fight off the Covid virus is our own natural innate immunity.

Del clarifies – we are teaching the virus how to get around the vaccine.
The virus mutates every 10 hours so each person vaccinated will have a suboptimal immune response (without 2nd vaccination), and the virus will mutate around that suboptimal response becoming stronger and more powerful and a more dangerous strain.

This suboptimal immune response in those vaccinated
will drive immune escape and resistance to the vaccines


Number of Covid mutations: (look at all the dots)
Figure below shows thousands of Covid mutations so far (each point denotes mutation). Now stop panicking every time you hear of “a new mutation” with a country or city brand name.

(56.00 min) – Parallel is drawn to antibiotics being over used and having superbugs. Mutations occur and the antibiotics do not work, and the bugs become stronger.  The current Covid virus differs from the original strain (because of these mutations in those vaccinated).

(53:00) Del editorial – revisits the antibiotic parallel. He says many pharmaceutical companies have stopped making powerful antibiotics because by the time they are developed the bugs are resistant. Del points out that instead of having a death rate of .4% – the people getting vaccinated will make the situation much worse with mutated viruses that are more deadly.

Geert points out that often it is said in the media that it’s the vaccine antibodies that kill the virus. Geert clarifies many (unvaccinated with normal innate immunity) are asymptomatically affected and don’t develop severe symptoms. He points out why can these people eliminate the virus and do well. After they shed the virus, they develop antibodies LATER, so antibodies are not responsible for elimination of the virus. It is our innate immune system’s NK (natural killer) cells that kill the cell that the virus is in.

(48:42) Del editorial – we keep hearing in media “that the vaccine creates more antibodies than the natural infection does. This is the 1st vaccine that is better than natural infection”. Geert points out this is simply not true. Del reiterates Geert’s point – that our innate immune system has something that the vaccine does NOT have – NK (natural killer) cells. The antibodies are like the “clean up crew” – come much later.  The main line of defense is our natural immune system (NK cells). Del points out this is what is happening to all the unvaccinated people out there – kids, babies (have amazing NK cells). This is the humoral antibody immunity to fight off viruses like Covid that the elderly do not have.

Most non-vaccinated – have “Non-Specific” antibodies
that can kill all these viruses
This is how the immune system works.

When people have been vaccinated :
Vaccine induces antibodies,
that are long lived and NEVER go away.
We can not get these out.
These SPECIFIC antibodies created by the vaccine are ONLY looking for a similar virus.  They are looking for the Spike protein we saw at BEGINNING of pandemic (BEFORE there were any variants). If these vaccinated people see “that” early virus it will kill it.

Del’s editorial – Here’s what Geert is saying –
the vaccinated person ONLY can respond to the original virus and not to ANY mutation. These new “specific” antibodies from the vaccine
outcompete the body’s natural innate antibodies.

The innate immune system (unvaccinated) has non specific antibodies.
Even though there are some non specific antibodies,
the vaccinated develop new VERY SPECIFIC antibodies
that are stronger and act like bullies
making the protective non specific antibodies harmless
and unable to protect against the mutations.

Geert is saying the vaccinated
will never have an immune system that works again.

The vaccine is bullying away the natural immune system 
making it non-functional FOREVER. 
There will be NO ability to fight off ANY Covid mutation.

Think of the hundreds of millions of people lining up to get vaccinated
with this experimental vaccine that has not completed safety testing!

(1:46) Del editorial –
Antibody Dependent Enhancement or Pathogenic Priming –
where the underperformance of the vaccine (has not had time to develop full immune protection yet) makes the natural virus more deadly when the vaccinated come in contact with the natural virus. The last time there was an attempt at an mRNA Corona vaccine was 2003 when Fauci gave the ferrets (animals used in the study) the vaccine and they developed antibodies (good). When these ferrets were re-exposed to a Corona virus, all the ferrets developed massive inflammation and died. (In the 3 previous experiments, many kids and most of the animals died). Fauci declared in beginning of Covid that we would skip animal testing and go straight to human testing. Del and many of us have been warning about this over the past year.

Geert is saying he’s aware of this BUT he’s talking about a MUCH BIGGER PROBLEM. With Antibody Dependent Enhancement one person is killed, but Geert is saying he’s worried about a much bigger problem – a GLOBAL event.

Those vaccinated are helping this virus gain DEADLY function and turning it into a killer virus in EVERY body that is VACCINATED. The vaccination is turning hundreds of millions around the world into a GAIN of FUNCTION LABORATORY.

(21:28 to end) Dr. Philip McMillan challenges Geert saying no government,
no health system is going to want to hear what he’s saying.
He says this is giving fuel to the fire for an anti-vaxxer.

Geert disagrees strongly saying at this point it’s so irrelevant
whether you’re a pro VAXXer or an anti-VAXXer. 
Let’s not lose our time criticizing people.
We like to stigmatize people calling them names
so they don’t need to bother about them anymore. 
It’s about the science and AND humanity

Geert Vanden Bossche PhD, DVM full letter :
https://bit.ly/3sYLQkr #COVID19

‘Breaking Through’ — States Report Growing Number of COVID Cases Among Fully Vaccinated – Washington, Florida, South Carolina, Texas, New York, California and Minnesota have all reported breakthrough cases of COVIDBMegan Redshaw
In a UCLA study – 
From Dec. 16, 2020, through Feb.9, 2021, a total of 36,659 healthcare workers received the first dose of a COVID vaccine, and 28,184 of these persons (77%) received the second dose. Among those vaccinated, 379 people tested positive for COVID at least one day after vaccination, and the majority (71%) tested positive within the first two weeks after the first dose. After receiving both vaccinations, 37 healthcare workers tested positive.

According to the study, the risk of testing positive for COVID after vaccination was between 0.97% and 1.19% –– rates higher than the risks reported in the Moderna and Pfizer vaccine trials. As The Defender reported in December 2020, one explanation for “breakthrough cases” in the fully vaccinated may be the use of polyethylene glycol (PEG) in mRNA COVID vaccines like Moderna and Pfizer. Studies have found approximately 72% of people may have PEG antibodies. In those people, the antibodies may cause an anaphylactic reaction to the vaccine. Or, the antibodies may break down and degrade the PEG-coated mRNA in the vaccine before it gets a chance to get into the cell and start programming the production of spike proteins, resulting in the vaccine being less effective.

LB editorial – remember Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche said that the Covid vaccine is :
A) actually injecting Covid into the patient – something most people are trying to avoid getting. Also with the general incident of death .3% of people infected – how acceptable is this high incidence of people getting Covid after vaccination?
B) Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche also points out something we have been saying for last 6 months that the mRNA vaccine studies ALL do NOT show that a decrease of transmission is accomplished by the vaccine – only a reduction of symptoms – something that is not shared in mainstream or social media.