Liver Cleansing

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Liver Cleansing
6 Foods to Naturally Cleanse Your Liver!
Simplistic article reviewing pertinent foods that help liver detoxification .
Watch the short video with master herbalist Ron Teeguarden


Plan your liver flush to be towards the end of your total body cleanse
A) For the 6 days BEFORE your liver flush – (may be at same time as your cleanse)

Drink 32 oz. ORGANIC Apple juice (fresh or bottled).

B) Day of the Liver Flush

Have a light breakfast, avoid fats, oils which may make it harder for the liver to clear.
Nothing to eat after 1:30 PM. (May drink water).

Epson salts – 4 doses:

1) 6 pm – Add 4 Tbs. Epsom salts to 24 oz of water.
(May add little lemon juice to mask bitter flavor).
Drink 6 ounces (Use straw to mask bitter flavor).

2) 8 pmDrink 2nd 6 ounce glass Epsom salts

9:30 pm – If you have not had a bowel movement until now and
have not done a colon cleanse within the past 24 hours, 
take a water enema; this will trigger a series of bowel movements.

9:45 pm – Wash citrus fruits & squeeze juice to make
3/4 of a glass -
 (combo of lemon, grapefruit, orange)
Add citrus  juice to 1/2 glass (4 oz) of Non Virgin ORGANIC olive oil
into pint jar, close tightly and shake hard a minimum of 20 times.

10 pm Drink olive oil – citrus fluid – USE straw to help.
Stand next to bed and drink concoction without interruption – maximum 5 min.

LIE DOWN IMMEDIATELYTurn off lights. Lie flat on back with head elevated.
Lie still for minimum of 20 minutes and don’t talk.
(Optional) – You can use castor oil pack at this time on abdomen to draw out toxins.


3) 6 to 6:30 amdrink third 6 oz. glass of epsom salts.
If you feel thirsty, drink glass of warm water before hand.
Rest, read, or meditate, or sleep.  
Beneficial to be in upright position.  

Light exercises such as yoga fine.

4) 8 to 8:30 am Drink 4th 6 oz. glass of Epson salts.

10 to 10:30 am – Drink freshly pressed fruit juice if desired.
1/2 hour later, eat one or 2 pieces of fruit.

One hour later eat regular (but light) food.
By evening or next morning you should be back to normal.
Eat light meals for next 2-3 days.

Some time after the olive oil you will go to the bathroom and start to have series of watery stools – could be next morning. (If you were to strain your stools and wash the liquid away you’ll likely find little casings (soft and not hard) that come from being embedded in the liver.

 Here are some pictures of these liver (“stones”)

Click here to see picture of (my) “Liver stones”

NOTE:  Drink water whenever thirsty, except right after drinking
the Epsom salts and for the 1st 2 hours after drinking the oil mixture.