Oct 18, 2019 – (Months BEFORE Wuhan) – The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, World Economic Forum, and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation jointly proposed a planned outbreak of a Corona Virus, how to create massive fear – masking and social distancing, destroy economy and eventually implement a vaccine schedule (The Event 201 pandemic exercise, was conducted on October 18, 2019)
The Event 201 Scenario:
Event 201 simulates an outbreak of a novel zoonotic coronavirus transmitted from bats to pigs to people that eventually becomes efficiently transmissible from person to person, leading to a severe pandemic. The pathogen and the disease it causes are modeled largely on SARS, but it is more transmissible in the community setting by people with mild symptoms. (More below)
Monkey Pox games –
Monkeypox Was a Table-Top Simulation Only Last Year By Michael Senger – MAY 20, 2022
Monkeypox Planning session – Strengthening Global Systems to Prevent and Respond to High-Consequence Biological Threats (Nov 23, 2021). Convened virtually, the exercise included 19 senior leaders and experts from across Africa, the Americas, Asia, and Europe with decades of combined experience in public health, biotechnology industry, and international security. The exercise was designed around a fictional scenario portraying a global pandemic involving an unusual strain of monkeypox virus that first emerged in the fictional country of Brinia and subsequently spread globally.
*** See MORE ***
- “The next severe pandemic will not only cause great illness and loss of life but could also trigger major cascading economic and societal consequences that could contribute greatly to global impact and suffering. Efforts to prevent such consequences or respond to them as they unfold will require unprecedented levels of collaboration between governments, international organizations, and the private sector.”
- This is #7 but too important so placing here:
“Governments and the private sector should assign a greater priority to developing methods to combat mis- and disinformation prior to the next pandemic response. Governments will need to partner with traditional and social media companies to research and develop nimble approaches to countering misinformation. This will require developing the ability to flood media with fast, accurate, and consistent information. Public health authorities should work with private employers and trusted community leaders such as faith leaders, to promulgate factual information to employees and citizens. For instance, companies with operations focused on logistics, social media, or distribution systems will be needed to enable governments’ emergency response, risk communications, and medical countermeasure distribution efforts during a pandemic. National public health agencies should work in close collaboration with WHO to create the capability to rapidly develop and release consistent health messages. For their part, media companies should commit to ensuring that authoritative messages are prioritized and that false messages are suppressed including though the use of technology.” - The World Health Organization (WHO) currently has an influenza vaccine virtual stockpile, with contracts in place with pharmaceutical companies that have agreed to supply vaccines should WHO request them. This should also include any available experimental vaccine stockpiles for any WHO R&D Blueprint pathogens to deploy in a clinical trial during outbreaks in collaboration with CEPI, GAVI, and WHO.
- The fear and uncertainty experienced during past outbreaks, even those limited to a national or regional level, have sometimes led to unjustified border measures, the closure of customer-facing businesses, import bans, and the cancellation of airline flights and international shipping.
- A particularly fast-moving and lethal pandemic could therefore result in political decisions to slow or stop movement of people and goods, potentially harming economies already vulnerable in the face of an outbreak. Ministries of Health and other government agencies should work together now with international airlines and global shipping companies to develop realistic response scenarios and start a contingency planning process with the goal of mitigating economic damage by maintaining key travel and trade routes during a large-scale pandemic.
- …may require the provision of enhanced disease control measures and personal protective equipment for transportation workers, government subsidies to support critical trade routes, and potentially liability protection in certain cases.
- Governments should provide more resources and support for the development and surge manufacturing of vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics that will be needed during a severe pandemic.
- the ability to rapidly develop, manufacture, distribute, and dispense large quantities of MCMs ( including vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics) will be needed to contain and control a global outbreak.
- But there will also be a need to identify critical nodes of the banking system and global and national economies that are too essential to fail – there are some that are likely to need emergency international financial support as well. The World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, regional development banks, national governments, foundations, and others should explore ways to increase the amount and availability of funds in a pandemic and ensure that they can be flexibly used where needed.
Atlantic Storm was a ministerial table-top exercise convened on January 14, 2005 by the Center for Biosecurity of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, the Center for Transatlantic Relations of the Johns Hopkins University, and the Transatlantic Biosecurity Network. The exercise used a fictitious scenario designed to mimic a summit of transatlantic leaders forced to respond to a bioterrorist attack. These transatlantic leaders were played by current and former officials from each country or organization represented at the table.
From Robert Kennedy’s – The Real Anthony Fauci – Bill Gates, Big Pharma and the Global War on democracy in Public Health – Chapter 12 “Germ Games”
How war games became instruments for imposing obedience – Dark Winter, Atlantic Storm and Global Mercury were only three of over a dozen germ games staged by military, medical, and intelligence planners leading up to COVID-19. Each of these Kafkaesque exercises became uncanny predictors of a dystopian age pandemic planners dubbed as “New Normal”. The consistent feature is an affinity among the stimulation designers for militarizing medicine and introducing centralize autocratic governance.
Each rehearsal ends with the same grim punchline:
the global pandemic is an excuse to justify
the imposition of tyranny and coerced vaccination
repetition of these exercises suggested
they serve as a kind of rehearsal or training drill
for an underlying agenda
to coordinate the global dismantlement
of democratic governance.
The exercises incorporate psychop techniques gleaned from the notorious “Milgram Obedience Experiments”. In those 1960s exercises, Yale social psychology professor Dr. Stanley Milgram was able to show that researchers could formulaically manipulate “ordinary citizens” from all walks of life to violate their own conscience and commit atrocities, so long as an authority figure (a doctor in a white lab coat) ordered them to do so.
The subjects believed that they were torturing fellow volunteers, by electrocution, out of sight in an adjacent room as a doctor instructed them to rev up the juice. The recruits could hear the nightmare screaming of actors pretending to be suffering electrocution and their pleadings for mercy. Of Milgram’s 40 subjects some 65% administered the fullbore for 150 V shocks they’ve been told were potentially fatal.
Milgram describes his experiments as proof that “obedience to authority” trumps morality and conscience.
MARS 2017 and SPARS 2017 – gateway to the Covid-19 plandemic.
From Robert Kennedy’s – The Real Anthony Fauci – Bill Gates, Big Pharma and the Global War on democracy in Public Health – Chapter 12 “Germ Games” (Page 412 – 416)
MARS 2017 – by mid 2017 the Rockefeller foundation and intelligence agency planners head pastor Bill Gates there baton for the primary thunder in front man for the military/intelligence community increasingly regular pandemic simulations. In May, health ministries for the worlds wealthiest 20 (G 20) nations assembled for the first time, in Berlin to participate in a joint exercise scenario with an imagined China responding to a contagion dubbed MARS (Mountain Associated Respiratory Virus). Those participating or German governmental institutions, Gates foundation, Rockefeller foundation, the World Bank, WHO, and the Robert Koch institution. Leaders participating came from United States, Russia, India, China, Britain, France, Germany, Canada, Argentina, Brazil, Korea, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, South Africa, Turkey and the European Union. This today table top exercise created MARS, a novel respiratory virus, spread from busy markets in a mountainous region in a China like country and spread to nations around the globe. Only draconian clampdowns by neighboring governments and heroic WHO technocrats orchestrating a Tylee choreographed centralize global response save humanity from a chaotic dystopian apocalypse.
SPARS 2017 – 5 months later (Oct 2017) – Gates convened another tabletop pandemic at Johns Hopkins Center for health security. Gates Foundation along with NIAID and NIH (Fauci et al.) are major funders of the John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Gates Working Group was a collection of characters with deep connections to intelligent agencies such as the CIA and NIH, as well as Matthew Schearer, senior analyst at the Johns Hopkins Center who would discover the first US case of coronavirus in Seattle in February 2020. Walter Orenstein MD, is a former surgeon general who managed CDC’s fraudulent efforts to suppress the science linking autism to vaccines, from 1999 to 2004. He left HHS to serve as deputy Director for immunization programs at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and advisor to the WHO.
“Building on the pentagons anthrax simulation (1999) and the intelligence agencies “Dark Winter” (21), Atlantic Storm (2003, 2005), Global Mercury (2003), Schwartz’s “Lockstep” Scenario Document (2010) and MARS (2017), the Gates funded SPARS scenario war-gamed a bioterrorist attack that precipitated a global coronavirus epidemic lasting from 2025 to 2028, culminating in coercive mass vaccination of the global population. And, as Gates had promised, the preparation or analogous to “preparing for war”. Gates presided over a sinister exercise for globalist and technocrats in Baltimore called SPARS Pandemic. The panelist role-played strategies for co-opting the worlds most influential political institutions, subverting democratic governance, and positioning themselves as an elected rulers of the emerging authoritarian regime.
They practiced techniques for ruthlessly
controlling dissent, expression, and movement
and degrading civil rights, autonomy, and sovereignty.
The official 89 page summary is amiracle of fortune telling –
an uncannily precise month by month prediction
of the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic as it actually unfolded.
When Covid-19 erupted 5 years later,
the COVID PLANDEMIC faithfully followed the SPARS blueprint
(except for the year).
“The scenario directs participants to deploy fear dash driven propaganda narratives to induce massachosis and to direct the public toward on questioning obedience to the emerging social and economic order. As the WHO declares a global emergency, the federal government contracts a fictional firm that resembles Moderna. Federal health officials invoke the PREP Act to provide vaccine makers liability protection.
Gilead’s Remdesivir –
Another company in the SPARS Pandemic to receive an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for a Remdesivir like antiviral. This seems to predict Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates aggressive promotion of a failed Ebola drug, Remdesivir during the pandemic as “standard of care” for COVID-19. Dr. Fauci helped develop the drug, and Gates had a substantial equity stake in the manufacture, Gilead. The two men promoted Remdesivir during the earlier Ebola and Zika pandemics, despite it stunning in adequacy as a remedy for these ailments.
Promotion of Remdesivir, and
the simultaneous Gates / Fauci orchestrated
suppression of Ivermectin and Hydroxy Chloroquine collectively
cost hundreds of thousands of deaths in the US alone.
In the SPARS pandemic – by late January, SPARS has spread to every state and 42 countries. In record speed, a coalition of ingenious corporate and heroic government officials miraculously produce a new vaccine, “Corovax”, just in time for a July 2026 EUA roll out.
For more details read Kennedy’s Book